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Chappi Adult Dry Dog Food - Chicken and Rice


Chappi Adult Dry Dog Food - Chicken and Rice

Chappi is a complete and balanced nutrition for your Adult dog, especially for dogs that are unable to digest food easily. It has a stable blend of low fat and dietary fibre that promotes healthy digestion.

Chappi dog food has been specially designed in a kibble form of food, encouraging chewing action which helps maintain good dental health and a healthy musco-skeletal structure in dogs. By using wholegrain maize and wheat, Chappi ensures maximum nourishment.

Moreover, it contains a unique blend of rich digestible protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which as a part of a dogs balanced diet can help satisfy his energy needs throughout the day. Also, the fatty acids make their fur shiny and soft.


  • 100% Complete and balanced food for adult dogs
  • Contains a special blend of low fat and dietary fibre
  • Easily digestible for even the most sensitive dogs
  • A good source of protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids
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Rs. 505.00

Chappi Adult Dry Dog Food - Chicken and Rice Chappi is a complete and balanced nutrition for your Adult dog,... Read more

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    Chappi Adult Dry Dog Food - Chicken and Rice

    Chappi is a complete and balanced nutrition for your Adult dog, especially for dogs that are unable to digest food easily. It has a stable blend of low fat and dietary fibre that promotes healthy digestion.

    Chappi dog food has been specially designed in a kibble form of food, encouraging chewing action which helps maintain good dental health and a healthy musco-skeletal structure in dogs. By using wholegrain maize and wheat, Chappi ensures maximum nourishment.

    Moreover, it contains a unique blend of rich digestible protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which as a part of a dogs balanced diet can help satisfy his energy needs throughout the day. Also, the fatty acids make their fur shiny and soft.


    • 100% Complete and balanced food for adult dogs
    • Contains a special blend of low fat and dietary fibre
    • Easily digestible for even the most sensitive dogs
    • A good source of protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids

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